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Assistant fails to activate IOS



Anyone have suggestions? The assistant fails to activate in both the phone call method and manually entered. Running on ATT

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1 answer to this question

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  • Truecaller Team
7 hours ago, WolfofOKC said:

Anyone have suggestions? The assistant fails to activate in both the phone call method and manually entered. Running on ATT

Hey! Please try the steps mentioned below and check if you are able to activate it:


Follow the directions below to activate Assistant manually:

1. Disable your phone's Wi-Fi connection.

2. Open your phone's dialer, dial *67*5595335694#, and press the send button.

3. Once the call is successfully forwarded you can end the call. You should see this screen:


Note: Press the dismiss button when a notification appears on your phone. If the message states that call forwarding activation was a success then you are done. If it failed redial the activation code.

Getting an OCN error? Click here

4. Go back to the app and try to activate the service.


*Only available in the U.S.


Fix OCN error on AT&T (United States)


To fix the error, please follow the below-mentioned steps:


1. Go to Settings -> Phone -> Calls

2. Turn "Call Forwarding" ON. Don't enter a phone number in the field.
3. Press the "Cancel" button

4. Open your phone's dialer, dial *67*5595335694# 


*Only available in the U.S.


Getting an error? Click here


Contact AT&T to get Assistant activated (United States)


Unfortunately, there appears to be an issue with your specific account. 
We recommend calling AT&T Technical Support at 611 and stating the following:

1. "I am unable to activate conditional call forwarding on my number. Dialing the star six seven (*67) activation code does not work. Can you activate my conditional call forwarding for me? I want it to forward calls when busy"

2. When they ask what number you would like your calls forwarded to, give them this number: (559) 533-5694



  • Please don't mention Assistant, your carrier might state that they do not support third-party applications as a way to avoid dealing with the request.
  • If the representative is unable to help you, ask to speak to another representative or supervisor. Do not let them tell you that they can't activate conditional call forwarding. Call forwarding is a carrier side setting and only they can get it activated

AT&T Customer Support
Phone number: 611 or (800) 331-0500


*Only available in the U.S.

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