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    As a guest, you are free to browse all our content. However, to fully engage—by starting topics or posting comments—you will need to sign up. Joining is quick and provides an interactive experience, allowing you to connect, share, and learn with others who share your interests in privacy and communication. Sign up today to be part of the conversation!

  • Our picks

    • Truecaller’s mission is to build trust in communicatio­n. Data privacy is one of Truecaller’s highest priorities. Consequently, we have taken the utmost care when designing and implementing our privacy policies. All our users have the power to control and protect how their personal information is displayed to others.
      • 0 replies
    • Receiving spam messages is almost like getting unwanted flyers in your mailbox, but only more annoying! But here’s the good news - we’ve improved the SMS filtering feature for iOS 16 and above. Read on to know more about the feature.
      • 2 replies
    • Many people receive annoying spam calls on their phones, causing frustration and interruptions in their day-to-day activities, highlighting the need for better ways to stop these unwanted calls.

      Introducing Truecaller's new superhero: 'Max'! 
      Max is Truecaller's latest AI-powered feature that swoops in to save the day from spam calls, even if they're not in the Truecaller database.
      How does it work?
      If you get a call from an unknown number, it checks whether it's a spam call or a genuine person is calling. If it's a spam call, it automatically blocks the call
      Here's the thing:
      To use the Max feature, you'll need to have Truecaller Premium on an Android phone.

      Excited to partner with Max?
      Just open your Truecaller app, go to 'Settings', tap 'Block', select 'Max' for protection, and you're good to go! Now you can avoid spam calls like a pro.
      • 12 replies
    • Recording your phone calls is now seamless using Truecaller's Call Recording feature on Android devices. It's essential to recall every aspect, whether during a business discussion or a personal chat. Call recording enables you to achieve precisely this.
      Truecaller's call recording feature is completely safe and secure. After a call is recorded and transferred to your device, Truecaller no longer has access to the recording.
      Download Truecaller App  
      Upgrade to the premium version to use the call recording feature.
      How does the call recording function work?
      1.  Begin the call and hit the recording button.
      2. After the call is answered, there will be a quick 3-second countdown. During this interval, the recipient is placed on hold to initiate the recording process, which begins immediately following this period.

      How to Find and Manage Your Recordings
      All your recorded calls are stored inside the Truecaller app. Once a call concludes or you halt the recording, you have the convenience of accessing, listening to, sharing, renaming, or deleting your recordings straight from the app. Additionally, there's an option to save your recordings to your Google Drive for backup.

      Enhanced Features for an Improved Experience
      Call Recording goes beyond simple recording to elevate your experience:
      - Automatically Generated Call Subject: Simplify the management of your recordings.
      - Instant Conversation Summaries: Get rapid overviews of your discussions for quick memory refresh.
      - AI-Driven Transcriptions: Access written versions of your talks for thorough review.
      Benefits of Using Call Recording:
      - Capture Every Detail: Guarantee that key elements of your discussions are recorded.
      - Maintain Attention: Participate in calls without the distraction of taking notes.
      - Prevent Miscommunications: Review calls to clear up any misunderstandings.
      Truecaller's Call Recording functionality for Android devices offers a robust solution for improving your call management. Suitable for both business and personal applications, it guarantees that every significant conversation is recorded and preserved. Begin enjoying a more structured and effective communication journey today.
      • 12 replies
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