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Experience Live Caller ID On iPhone With the Help of Siri Shortcut!!

Priyanka Sharma

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Priyanka Sharma

Could contain: Electronics, Phone, Mobile Phone, Texting, Iphone


Hi TrueTalks Community,


With the Live Caller ID on iPhone, you can quickly get information about unknown callers using Truecaller and Siri. Now whenever you receive a call from an unknown number, just say “Hey Siri, search Truecaller” and Siri will search the number from the screen on Truecaller and in no time, you will see who is calling you.


As phone calls remain the main mode of communication, what truly enhances this experience is the ability to identify every caller promptly, a feature that all our iPhone users should enjoy. Truecaller has brought something new and unique to the iPhone world thanks to our pal, Siri.


How does Live Caller ID work with Siri Shortcut?


Exclusively designed for iOS users, Live Caller ID helps you to recognize callers effortlessly with Siri. In some cases where an incoming number is not identified automatically by Truecaller simply instruct Siri with “Hey Siri search Truecaller” as the phone rings. Within seconds, Truecaller will fetch caller information and display it at the top of your calling screen without any need, for manual checks or interruptions.




Truecaller Premium subscribers can access this feature, which uses Siri Shortcuts to deliver effective results in seconds. 


Download Truecaller: f0e9ab987056bd8450279de7b6ddcf1a.png  204ab1e66c7768126ed9bc624007f98f.png


Set up Live Caller ID on your iPhone:


Step 1:
Navigate to the Premium page of the app and select 'Add to Siri'.
This allows you to add the shortcut with a tap. The first time you use this feature, you will be asked to grant Truecaller access; select 'Always allow' to prevent being asked again.

Step 2:
Once the Siri shortcut is set up, simply say 'Hey Siri, search Truecaller' upon receiving an incoming call or any other screen where you want to identify a number, for example, WhatsApp incoming call or message. The app will display the caller's information. 

Step 3:
You can also set up Truecaller's search shortcut on the iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone Pro Max, and iPhone 15 models to make it easy to find a number.


For iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone Pro Max, and iPhone 15 models:

Using Back Tap:

  • Open Settings on your iPhone.
  • Navigate to Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap.
  • Choose either Double Tap or Triple Tap.
  • Select Search Truecaller from the list of shortcuts.

For iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max:

Using the Action Button:

  • Open Settings on your iPhone.
  • Go to the Action button.
  • Swipe to Shortcut.
  • Select Search Truecaller from the list of shortcuts.



Benefits Offered By This Feature:

  • With a simple voice command to Siri, you can retrieve information about incoming calls without touching your phone.
  • Save time and effort searching for the caller’s information manually.
  • Truecaller allows you to obtain caller information without switching to another app. Truecaller’s integration with Siri will allow you to access information without affecting the user experience.
  • Truecaller’s Integration with Siri helps users to determine whether a call is genuine, potentially fraudulent, or dangerous in seconds.

So what are you waiting for, give it a try. With Truecaller and Siri, say hello to a stress-free and spam-free life.

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That sounds like a useful feature! Are you looking for information on how to set up the Live Caller ID with Siri Shortcut on your iPhone?

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Open Settings on your iPhone.

Navigate to Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap.

Choose either Double Tap or Triple Tap.

Select Search Truecaller from the list of shortcuts.

For iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max:


Using the Action Button:


Open Settings on your iPhone.

Go to the Action button.

Swipe to Shortcut.

Select Search Truecaller from the list of shortcuts.

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On 6/6/2024 at 1:12 PM, Priyanka Sharma said:

Could contain: Electronics, Phone, Mobile Phone, Texting, Iphone


Hi TrueTalks Community,


With the Live Caller ID on iPhone, you can quickly get information about unknown callers using Truecaller and Siri. Now whenever you receive a call from an unknown number, just say “Hey Siri, search Truecaller” and Siri will search the number from the screen on Truecaller and in no time, you will see who is calling you.


As phone calls remain the main mode of communication, what truly enhances this experience is the ability to identify every caller promptly, a feature that all our iPhone users should enjoy. Truecaller has brought something new and unique to the iPhone world thanks to our pal, Siri.


How does Live Caller ID work with Siri Shortcut?


Exclusively designed for iOS users, Live Caller ID helps you to recognize callers effortlessly with Siri. In some cases where an incoming number is not identified automatically by Truecaller simply instruct Siri with “Hey Siri search Truecaller” as the phone rings. Within seconds, Truecaller will fetch caller information and display it at the top of your calling screen without any need, for manual checks or interruptions.




Truecaller Premium subscribers can access this feature, which uses Siri Shortcuts to deliver effective results in seconds. 


Download Truecaller: f0e9ab987056bd8450279de7b6ddcf1a.png  204ab1e66c7768126ed9bc624007f98f.png


Set up Live Caller ID on your iPhone:


Step 1:
Navigate to the Premium page of the app and select 'Add to Siri'.
This allows you to add the shortcut with a tap. The first time you use this feature, you will be asked to grant Truecaller access; select 'Always allow' to prevent being asked again.

Step 2:
Once the Siri shortcut is set up, simply say 'Hey Siri, search Truecaller' upon receiving an incoming call or any other screen where you want to identify a number, for example, WhatsApp incoming call or message. The app will display the caller's information. 

Step 3:
You can also set up Truecaller's search shortcut on the iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone Pro Max, and iPhone 15 models to make it easy to find a number.


For iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone Pro Max, and iPhone 15 models:

Using Back Tap:

  • Open Settings on your iPhone.
  • Navigate to Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap.
  • Choose either Double Tap or Triple Tap.
  • Select Search Truecaller from the list of shortcuts.

For iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max:

Using the Action Button:

  • Open Settings on your iPhone.
  • Go to the Action button.
  • Swipe to Shortcut.
  • Select Search Truecaller from the list of shortcuts.



Benefits Offered By This Feature:

  • With a simple voice command to Siri, you can retrieve information about incoming calls without touching your phone.
  • Save time and effort searching for the caller’s information manually.
  • Truecaller allows you to obtain caller information without switching to another app. Truecaller’s integration with Siri will allow you to access information without affecting the user experience.
  • Truecaller’s Integration with Siri helps users to determine whether a call is genuine, potentially fraudulent, or dangerous in seconds.

So what are you waiting for, give it a try. With Truecaller and Siri, say hello to a stress-free and spam-free life.

Thanks for the knowledge 👌

May try it...

As I seriously wanted spam-free life😊

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Me too

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On Android, we don't need to do anything, even say something. Truecaller on Android always search unknown caller and show the result in no time. But in IPhone we need to call Seri and if we missed the call, we still have to search it on the app. Stupid for ios! 

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On 17‏/6‏/2024 at 13:06, Mishra lalit said:




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Hi ko biết nói j


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That's great to hear! Using Siri Shortcuts can definitely enhance your iPhone experience. Would you like some tips on how to set up a Live Caller ID shortcut with Siri?

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