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Learn How to Obtain a Verified Badge on Truecaller

Kishan Nagaraj Haritsa

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On 11/6/2024 at 16.35, Timbo said:



Nama saya Tim dan saya bekerja dalam pasukan produk yang bertanggungjawab untuk "lencana disahkan" di Truecaller. Membaca melalui respons saya dapat melihat bahawa terdapat banyak penglibatan tentang cara mendapatkan lencana, sama ada menyiarkan bahawa anda mendapatnya (yay 🎉) atau soalan tentang cara mendapatkannya. 


Kami bersetuju bahawa masih belum jelas bagi pengguna apa yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan lencana, namun kami sedang mengusahakan beberapa perubahan yang kami harap akan menjadikan proses itu lebih jelas. 

Daripada hanya memaparkan lencana Disahkan secara ajaib pada profil anda, anda sepatutnya boleh mengambil tindakan sendiri dan melalui proses pengesahan yang boleh anda mulakan. 


Matlamat kami dengan lencana Disahkan adalah untuk ia bertindak sebagai petunjuk kepercayaan, jadi apabila anda menerima panggilan daripada pengguna dengan lencana ini, anda boleh memastikan ia adalah mengenai identiti nombor tersebut. Dengan perubahan yang kami rancang, matlamat kami adalah untuk menjadikan ini lebih boleh dipercayai dan kalis. 


Apabila perkara semakin hampir untuk dikeluarkan, kami akan membincangkan perkara ini lebih lanjut!


terima kasih,



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On 5/6/2024 at 6:15 PM, saroj ray said:

Please give me verify tick


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On 6/11/2024 at 4:35 PM, Timbo said:

Hi 👋


My name is Tim and I work in the product team that is responsible for the “Verified badge” at Truecaller. Reading through the responses I can see that there is alot of engagement around how to get the badge, either posting that you got it (yay 🎉) or questions around how to get it. 


We agree that it hasn't been super clear for users what is needed to get the badge, however we are working on several changes that we hope will make the process more clear. 

Instead of just having the Verified badge magically appear on your profile, you should be able to take action yourself and go through a verification process that you can initiate. 


Our goal with the Verified badge is for it to act as an indication of trust, so when you receive a call from a user with this badge you can be sure it's about the number’s identity. With the changes we are planning our aim is to make this even more trustworthy and foolproof. 


As things get closer to release we will talk about this more!





On 6/11/2024 at 4:35 PM, Timbo said:

Hi 👋


My name is Tim and I work in the product team that is responsible for the “Verified badge” at Truecaller. Reading through the responses I can see that there is alot of engagement around how to get the badge, either posting that you got it (yay 🎉) or questions around how to get it. 


We agree that it hasn't been super clear for users what is needed to get the badge, however we are working on several changes that we hope will make the process more clear. 

Instead of just having the Verified badge magically appear on your profile, you should be able to take action yourself and go through a verification process that you can initiate. 


Our goal with the Verified badge is for it to act as an indication of trust, so when you receive a call from a user with this badge you can be sure it's about the number’s identity. With the changes we are planning our aim is to make this even more trustworthy and foolproof. 


As things get closer to release we will talk about this more!






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On 6/11/2024 at 6:05 PM, Timbo said:

Hi 👋


My name is Tim and I work in the product team that is responsible for the “Verified badge” at Truecaller. Reading through the responses I can see that there is alot of engagement around how to get the badge, either posting that you got it (yay 🎉) or questions around how to get it. 


We agree that it hasn't been super clear for users what is needed to get the badge, however we are working on several changes that we hope will make the process more clear. 

Instead of just having the Verified badge magically appear on your profile, you should be able to take action yourself and go through a verification process that you can initiate. 


Our goal with the Verified badge is for it to act as an indication of trust, so when you receive a call from a user with this badge you can be sure it's about the number’s identity. With the changes we are planning our aim is to make this even more trustworthy and foolproof. 


As things get closer to release we will talk about this more!




Hi Tim. I'm heavily invested in this. I need it for my constant medical appointments and blocking spam. I was wondering if I could get a badge for my personal number? I don't feel comfortable sharing it here however. Thank you for your time!


Kane Holt-O'Brien. 

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On 4/14/2024 at 2:58 PM, Arnob said:

How to blue badge 

I heve need verified badge

Anyone help me?

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Learn How to Obtain a Verified Badge on Truecaller 

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7978229464 This Number Sir Pls Get Verified Badge 

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I want Verified / Bluetick

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My account verify 


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Account verify 


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नमस्ते सर, कृपया हमें बैज दें कि मैं ट्यूटर की सभी गोपनीयता सुरक्षा स्वीकार करता हूं।

Could contain: Person, Text, Face, Head

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नमस्ते सर, कृपया हमें बैज दें कि मैं ट्यूटर की सभी गोपनीयता सुरक्षा स्वीकार करता हूं।

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Please give me v

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On 5/3/2024 at 7:43 AM, Vinutha said:

Hey, I get it, you’re interested in the Verification badge. Just a heads-up, it might take some time for the badge to get it. Please read this article for a better understanding of how it works in truecaller.


Give me a verified badge plz


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How can I get verified badge on Truecaller


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On 4/5/2024 at 2:39 PM, Kishan Nagaraj Haritsa said:

Could contain: Photography, Clothing, Coat, Jacket, Person, Face, Head, Reading, Portrait, Mobile Phone


Hello, TrueTalks Community!


Understanding Truecaller's Verified Badge

In today's digital landscape, where communication is increasingly virtual, establishing trust and authenticity is paramount. A Verified Badge serves as a symbol of trust, confirming the authenticity of a user and fostering a sense of confidence among its user base.

The Significance of the Verified Badge

The Verified Badge is a symbol of trustworthiness within the Truecaller community. When a user sets up a profile using their genuine name, the platform's intelligent algorithms spring into action. Truecaller carefully assesses the provided information, ensuring its alignment with stringent verification criteria. If the name meets these standards, the user is rewarded with the coveted Verified Badge.


Enhancing the user experience

When a call is received or a number is searched, the presence of the Verified Badge immediately signals to other users that the displayed name is authentic. This transparency fosters a sense of trust and security, empowering individuals to confidently engage in communication, knowing that the identity on the other end is legitimate.


Steps to start your verification process on Truecaller

1. Create your Truecaller profile using your actual name.
2. Truecaller systems will determine if your name qualifies for the Verified badge.
3. If you previously used a fake name or initials, update your profile with your real name to be considered for verification.
4. Link your Google account with Truecaller.
5. Connecting your Google account enhances our ability to verify your name accurately, increasing your chances of receiving the Verified Badge. Additionally, the badge is displayed on your profile based on suggested names. Ensure your profile information remains up-to-date for the best chance of verification!

Note: Verified Badge do not prevent from getting marked as spam.


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50 minutes ago, Ogedengbe said:

How can I get verified badge on Truecaller



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If you a Forex trader then follow this telegram channel to get access to free premium signals for your trades.


Telegram channel link below 👇 


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Amarjeet Singh


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On 4/5/2024 at 2:39 PM, Kishan Nagaraj Haritsa said:

Could contain: Photography, Clothing, Coat, Jacket, Person, Face, Head, Reading, Portrait, Mobile Phone


Hello, TrueTalks Community!


Understanding Truecaller's Verified Badge

In today's digital landscape, where communication is increasingly virtual, establishing trust and authenticity is paramount. A Verified Badge serves as a symbol of trust, confirming the authenticity of a user and fostering a sense of confidence among its user base.

The Significance of the Verified Badge

The Verified Badge is a symbol of trustworthiness within the Truecaller community. When a user sets up a profile using their genuine name, the platform's intelligent algorithms spring into action. Truecaller carefully assesses the provided information, ensuring its alignment with stringent verification criteria. If the name meets these standards, the user is rewarded with the coveted Verified Badge.


Enhancing the user experience

When a call is received or a number is searched, the presence of the Verified Badge immediately signals to other users that the displayed name is authentic. This transparency fosters a sense of trust and security, empowering individuals to confidently engage in communication, knowing that the identity on the other end is legitimate.


Steps to start your verification process on Truecaller

1. Create your Truecaller profile using your actual name.
2. Truecaller systems will determine if your name qualifies for the Verified badge.
3. If you previously used a fake name or initials, update your profile with your real name to be considered for verification.
4. Link your Google account with Truecaller.
5. Connecting your Google account enhances our ability to verify your name accurately, increasing your chances of receiving the Verified Badge. Additionally, the badge is displayed on your profile based on suggested names. Ensure your profile information remains up-to-date for the best chance of verification!

Note: Verified Badge do not prevent from getting marked as spam.

You give me verified badge 

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Need blue verify badge please give me

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I need a verify badge give me plz🙂

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On 5‏/4‏/2024 at 12:09, Kishan Nagaraj Haritsa said:

يمكن أن تحتوي على: تصوير فوتوغرافي، ملابس، معطف، سترة، شخص، وجه، رأس، قراءة، صورة شخصية، هاتف محمول


مرحبًا، مجتمع TrueTalks!


فهم شارة Truecaller التي تم التحقق منها

في المشهد الرقمي اليوم، حيث أصبح التواصل افتراضيًا بشكل متزايد، يعد بناء الثقة والأصالة أمرًا بالغ الأهمية. تعمل الشارة التي تم التحقق منها كرمز للثقة، حيث تؤكد صحة المستخدم وتعزز الشعور بالثقة بين قاعدة مستخدميه.

أهمية الشارة التي تم التحقق منها

تعد الشارة التي تم التحقق منها رمزًا للجدارة بالثقة داخل مجتمع Truecaller. عندما يقوم المستخدم بإعداد ملف تعريف باستخدام اسمه الحقيقي، تبدأ الخوارزميات الذكية للمنصة في العمل. يقوم Truecaller بتقييم المعلومات المقدمة بعناية، مما يضمن توافقها مع معايير التحقق الصارمة. إذا كان الاسم يلبي هذه المعايير، تتم مكافأة المستخدم بشارة التحقق المرغوبة.


تعزيز تجربة المستخدم

عند تلقي مكالمة أو البحث عن رقم، فإن وجود شارة التحقق يشير على الفور إلى المستخدمين الآخرين بأن الاسم المعروض حقيقي. وتعزز هذه الشفافية الشعور بالثقة والأمن، وتمكن الأفراد من المشاركة بثقة في التواصل، مع العلم أن الهوية على الطرف الآخر مشروعة.


خطوات لبدء عملية التحقق على Truecaller

1. قم بإنشاء ملف تعريف Truecaller الخاص بك باستخدام اسمك الفعلي.
2. ستحدد أنظمة Truecaller ما إذا كان اسمك مؤهلاً للحصول على شارة التحقق أم لا.
3. إذا كنت قد استخدمت سابقًا اسمًا مزيفًا أو الأحرف الأولى من اسمك، فقم بتحديث ملفك الشخصي باسمك الحقيقي ليتم أخذه في الاعتبار للتحقق.
4. اربط حساب Google الخاص بك مع Truecaller.
5. يؤدي ربط حسابك في Google إلى تعزيز قدرتنا على التحقق من اسمك بدقة، مما يزيد من فرص حصولك على شارة التحقق. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتم عرض الشارة في ملفك الشخصي بناءً على الأسماء المقترحة. تأكد من أن معلومات ملفك الشخصي تظل محدثة للحصول على أفضل فرصة للتحقق!

ملاحظة : لا تمنع الشارة التي تم التحقق منها من وضع علامة على أنها بريد عشوائي.

كيف لي الحصول الشاره الزرقاء


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